Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Newbie Pearls

In no particular order, here are bunch of links and topics that are very helpful (and sometimes difficult to come by ) that may help you as you join/drill in the ARNG.

  • Installing CAC reader and software: http://militarycac.com You need a CAC and AKO account to download the software.
  • Installing certificates to let you view .MIL pages from chrome and other browsers:   http://militarycac.com/videos.htm#DoD The DOD signs their own pages, so your browser has no idea how if they are safe or not. Paradoxically, this means your browser doesn't trust them because the DOD is not a trusted authority...so you make it a trust authority. Sound crazy? It's easy. Watch the videos and following the instructions/links.
  • Online OBLC Phase 1: Course code "6-8-C20B RC DL". Search google or the ATRRS system to search for it. You can sign up on your own with a CAC. This course must be completed within one year of signing up. Take good notes. It's not topics you are familiar with. And it's not a lot of customs and courtesies like you might expect. It has topics like land navigation courses. 
  • Lace your boots properly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIbPoWn209s This video shows LEFT OVER RIGHT. Some units require RIGHT OVER LEFT. Some don't care. But if you end up with a picky Colonel that wants to do a uniform inspection on your first day, make sure your boots are consistent one way or the other.  The regulations do not specify to direction.

     AR 670-1 27-3 c. The boots are laced diagonally, with the excess lace tucked into the top of the boot under the bloused trousers or slacks, or wrapped around the top of the boot. Metal cleats and side tabs are not authorized for wear except by honor guards and ceremonial units in the performance of ceremonial duties. When metal cleats and side tabs are authorized for wear, commanders will furnish them to soldiers at no cost. Sewn-in or laced-in zipper inserts are not authorized.
  • Wear your patrol cap properly. Per the post at: http://armylive.dodlive.mil/index.php/2011/07/proper-wear-of-the-patrol-cap/ :
    The following is a summary of the policy specifics taken from Army Regulation 670-1 and a list of reminders and tips for wear:1. Place the cap on your head so that the seam in the front of the cap is centered with the bridge of your nose. The ends of the brim should be touching the top of your temples. No hair should be visible from the forehead. Rank insignia is always centered on this front seam.
    2. Adjust the cap so that the band of the cap is wrapped around the largest part of your head and is parallel to the ground. A good trick to use is to place your index and middle fingers together and place them horizontally on top of the point where the top of the ear connects to your head. The brim should be just touching the top edge of your middle finger and level with the ground.
    3. Smooth out any parts of the cap that are sagging on your head. The cap should have clean crisp angles. If worn correctly, the top of the cap should be at a slight forward angle.4. Remove the cap and place it in your pocket whenever you are indoors, unless otherwise ordered by a commanding officer. The cap should be worn at all times when outside, again, unless otherwise ordered by a commanding officer.
Ranger Rolling is not technically allowed. This will depend on your Commander. Best not to do it on your first day! 

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